Discreet marks of manufacture and use: excellent condition. Height 16 X 7 X 5 CM. Unique collection model to be entered as it is. THE OBJECT IN ALL ITS STATES. Old, recent & contemporary object.
FROM OBJECT TO WORK / FROM WORK TO OBJECT. An invoice representing a certificate of authenticity is issued to each purchaser. WORKSHOP GALLERY HOUSE MUSEUM SHOP E-COMMERCE. The object is at the heart of the story of each of us. The object is constitutive of a human activity where subjects and projects, themes and problems, intersect and intertwine, to create & produce value.The physical, digital, material, immaterial, economic, political, religious, profane, concrete, abstract, artistic, popular, literary, pictorial, architectural, financial, furniture, real estate, advertising object. The object from all angles, in all its states. Original, dated, signed, broken, unique, rare, multiple, old, recent, common, usual, sensual, textual, sexual, useful, futile, misguided, restored...
Each collection lot is sent to the purchaser with an invoice representing a certificate of authenticity. Each collection lot is sent to the purchaser with an invoice re.